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Vesi Yoga

If there is any planet in the 2nd house from the Sun, other than the Moon, Rahu, and Ketu, Vesi yoga is formed. In general, the effect of this yoga is that the person will have equanimity, be truthful, long-bodied, lazy, happy and will not have much wealth. 

The specific effects of this yoga will depend on the planet in the 2nd house from the Sun.  If Jupiter is in the 2nd house, the person will have money, be learned and good hearted.  If Venus is in the 2nd house, the person will lack courage and will face obstacles in his work but will be swift in movement and will serve others. Other planets being in the 2nd house also have specific effects.

The horoscope must be studied in totality and not only with respect to this yoga.

An example:

A person born on 25th  June, 1987 at New Delhi at 2.00 pm.In this horoscope, Mars is in the 2nd house from the Sun, hence, Vesi yoga is formed.  The effect of this yoga is that the person will be quick in movement and will be helpful to others. 

However, Mars is in a debilitation in this horoscope. Considering this, the person will be slow in movement and will take maximum benefit for himself at the expense of others.

Another example:

A person born on 27th  December, 1990 at 2.21 pm at Navi Mumbai.

The effect of Saturn in the 2nd house is that the person will be of loose morals, violent, a cheat, appearance is likely to be  that of an old person, and generally, not likeable.   

Saturn is very strong in this horoscope.  Hence, Saturn will do only good things for the person. This will result in the person having strong morals, be honest and of gentle demeanor, youthful, and will be likeable.


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